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About Us

Operation: Reward Rob Now was made possible by the incredible work done by Blue Team. Blue Team consists of the following members:

Elvin Aleman Jr.

Ebony Nash

Jordan Davis

Kaelyn Devine

Katasha Brown

Kaylyn Gabbert

Steven Garner

Toni Bryant

References for Operation: Reward Rob Now


Aleman, E., Jr. (n.d.). [Church and a graveyard].

Aleman, E., Jr. (n.d.). [NYC shot of buildings and street sign]. 

Galante, M. (2011, October 24). The 10 Most Expensive Pieces Of Jewelry

Ever Sold At Auction. Retrieved September 20, 2016, from


Google Images [Free Stock]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 24, 2016, from


Siren Videos Shot By: Ebony Nash.

Audio Recording Actors: Ebony Nash and Steven Garner

Audio Recording Editor: Elvin Aleman Jr

Scripts written by: Ebony Nash, Kaelyn Devine, and Steven Garner

Instagram Managers: Elvin Aleman Jr, Katasha Brown, and Toni Bryant

Twitter Managers: Ebony Nash, Jordan Davis, and Kaylyn Gabbert

Siren Symbol Artist: Jordan Davis

Website Designers: Elvin Aleman Jr and Kaylyn Gabbert

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